up For The Women Men Marry affiliate program and generate HUGE
monthly commission checks all while helping women around the world -- just by sending
visitors to our website!
Profit by promoting the most complete and packed program that teaches
women everything they must know on how to get their boyfriend to
Chances are you already know the advantages of affiliate marketing --
that you can earn thousands of dollars every month, while doing only a
few minutes of work a day.
Here is why you'll make money fast with the Women Men Marry affiliate program:
Very high conversions. Our site converts 0.5% to 5% of its visitors
into sales, depending on the quality of traffic you send. So you'll
make more money for less work! Don't believe me? Well just sign up to
the program now, send a bit of traffic to our site and see for yourself!
Earn BIG commissions - Earn a whopping 60% of every sale you refer! You
will also be rewarded with prizes, bonuses or increased commissions for
higher than average performance.
We offer a Two-Tier program with SECOND tier commissions - You can ALSO
recommend the affiliate program to your customers, visitors, and
subscribers. Each person who signs up for the program through your
referral becomes your "sub-affiliate" -- and the referring affiliate
earns an additional commission on each sale your sub-affiliates make!
Earn an additional 10% on each "sub-affiliate" sale!
Competitive price point within the industry at USD$27.00. So YOU will
make more money for every sale you send. And this price may even be
raised to up to $67 soon if our testing shows this to be a more
profitable price point for our affiliates... but you'll still get 60%
of the sale!
Lifetime cookie tracking. You’ll get commissioned on procrastinators --
even after 2 years! If you send us a visitor who doesn’t buy right away
-- but comes back to our site and buys within two years -- you’re still
fully commissioned! (They don't even need to go through your site the
second time.)
Detailed stats tracking and reporting. You can login and monitor your
daily and monthly sales stats, conversion rates, and earnings using our
world-class control panel. You can even review your account history
(which shows all traffic you've sent and sales you’ve made since
Timely monthly payouts. You get paid on the first of every month. We
are always on time with our payments.
Get credit for every sale. We use clickbank, the very best affiliate tracking program to guarantee you get credit for
every single sale you refer!
Your own affiliate manager. You will be assigned a personal affiliate
manager to help you analyze your website and traffic to see where you
can earn more money. Our team of professional internet marketers will
work closely with you to carefully design your marketing campaigns so
they are as profitable for you as possible!
A product that is in high demand within the alternative lifestyle
today. There is nobody else offering this much detailed information
about what women must know on how to get their boyfriend to propose to them. Our
customers are ecstatic about what they get, so you can rest assured
you've given your visitors the very best!
As you can see we've gone out of our way to ensure our affiliates earn
as much money as possible with this program. Why? Because we know that
they are the lifeblood of our business and their success is our
When you make money, we make money. Take a look at the amount of
money you could easily earn by simply promoting the women men marry
affiliate program.
Sales Per Day
10 | Income Per Month
$5,304 | Income Per Year
$63,650 |
How is that for an extra income stream?
We want to see you do as well as possible and we'll bend over backwards
to make sure you do. But, now it's up to you to take action to start
the cash rolling in.
All you have to do to start earning money immediately is add your clickbank hop id to the url below.
Just create your own clickbank account and replace "YOURCLICKBANKID"
with your own unique clickbank id. Place that url on your website, in
your emails or on your facebook page.